Sunday, November 18, 2012

Maggie-isms #2

Thursday was Gran's birthday so last night Gran, Nana, Aunt Laurie, Uncle Jeff, Ella, Maggie and I had dinner to celebrate. Ella is going through a testing boundaries phase and Maggie was super tired so they were immediately at odds. Ella would mess with Maggie and Maggie would get SO mad. (It's actually so funny to watch; Ella will put something she knows Maggie wants right in her face and jerk it away; she is so mischievous :)) So finally Maggie yelled at Ella, "You look dumb in your shirt but I look stylish."

Friday, November 16, 2012

Maggie-isms #1

Maggie doesn't like wearing, well, any clothes. But she particularly doesn't like wearing pants or shoes. I don't mind the shoes thing but she has to wear pants when we're not at home or at a relative's house. This morning she had to put on pants which she was unhappy about but she did.

When we got to Jeremiah and Kandice's house she said, "Mommy, these pants are really making me exhausted."

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Ok, I'm sorry. I will try to post more often. I lost my camera cord for a while and now I need more batteries. So no pictures but. . . here I am.

We've been so busy. She is starting to actually read and it's so awesome. She can sound out little words and knows several sight words. We have a couple of sight word readers (they use the same words over and over and one original word with a corresponding picture per page; i.e.. You can go on a boat. You can go on a plane.) and she can read them. It's crazy!

We are continuing to read chapter books and she is definitely able to follow the story. Once we finish the Magic Tree House series, I am going to start reading good books like Charlotte's Web and Swiss Family Robinson. I can't wait; I love children's literature.

We are also still listening to audiobooks in the car. She really likes the Little House books (she calls them the Laura books). We tried The Hobbit but the guy who reads it does scary voices and by the time she heard Gollum's voice, she was done. So I guess we'll save that for a few years.

She can write much better now. She can write her name fairly easily. It takes her some time but she knows how it's spelled. We work on it often.

Our Spirit Builders co-op is awesome. I've been out of the loop for a while now because I have Jake with me and he usually needs to be in the nursery with me. We always come out for lunch. :) I still try to teach Story Explorers every day but it doesn't always happen.

We had a Halloween festival and played amazingly awesome games, had a Halloween parade and had a feast. It was so very cool.

Yesterday we had a Thanksgiving feast. It was awesome too.

Today, we had our little co-op with Lauren and her kiddos. Lauren was having the kids do writing and she asked Maggie what she wanted to write about. Maggie didn't know so I suggested listing the animals she likes. Lauren asked her what animals she likes and Maggie said, "Dogs, cats, birds, butterflies and, of course, bunnies." Of course. :)

Then Kyrie said she didn't like birds because they pooped on windows and cars. Jonah said it was an accident and Kyrie said, "No, they don't even say they're sorry."