Friday, March 10, 2017

Secret Code

Jan gave us a Raggedy Ann costume. Ruby likes the wig a lot. 

Maggie made a secret message. Can you decipher it?

I.e., Grandpa take me to Toys'r'us. 
Waiting for Maggie to finish Karate.
Maggie's art. Jasmine. All the characters from Frozen. Ariel.
Ruby playing peekaboo.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


They made up this game. Maggie would go hide in the laundry room and Ruby would come try to open the door. Then Maggie would roar and chase Ruby. Dear Lord, it was so stinking cute.
Ruby loves to hide.

He almost appears to be happy.

Bag head!

I attempted Game of Throne braids. I couldn't figure out what to do with the extra.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Everybody loves Ruby

Ruby in a hat. And tears. I can't remember why. 

Waiting for Maggie to finish Comedy. Speaking of, comedy is no more. There were only two other students this semester and one moved away and the other switched to something else. So, Maggie switched to Theater. Honestly, it sounds pretty similar. She's going to be in a play. I think it's Cat in the Hat. She's Thing Two.
Everyone loves Ruby.

Maggie built her Lego thing that she got for Christmas, almost 100% by herself. I'm probably going to get some more of these.
Did she lose a tooth? Or did I take this because her new tooth is coming in? Who can say?
Little sister and big sister playing blocks.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Active cuddling

Active cuddling?

Cuddling or wrestling? You decide

Sweet girls.

Ruby got a Valentine's present from Nana and Gran. She definitely likes it.

Cuddling? Wresting? Not sure.


Six Flags

Arlene took the kids to Six Flags. This was in, like, December, I think. I'm just a little bit behind.