Sunday, April 15, 2018

Naked baby

Ruby enjoys doing this still. She's a little weirdo. She's not potty trained but somehow she knows not to tee tee on the floor, so I let her go naked most of the time. It's so funny. Up until, Christmas she was peeing occasionally on the potty and then nothing at all. And then yesterday, she went and sat on the potty (as she often does) and announced she'd gone potty and let's clean up mommy (as she often does), BUT! this time she did. Strange kid.
Me and Maggie's date to go get pizza. It was yummy.

Man, I love this girlie.

These are the kids in Ruby's nursery class at the co-op. These four girls will eat the entire time. They such switch around highchairs occasionally.
First day of co-op. Ruby needed a backpack too.

I'm behind! Shocking!

I'm so behind. I'm just going to try to catch up with pictures and any cutesy stories I can think of. This is Ruby in Nana's shirt that Nana gave to Maggie to use as a night gown several years ago.
This child. She continues to be insane. She dumped a full, 3 pound bag of frozen berries on the carpet. Maggie and I ran in slow motion to stop her. I got a fridge lock after that and she walked right over and hulked that sucker right open. So, yeah. . .
She can unlock the car door with her foot which is fun. She now is pulling out my kitchen utensils (whisks, masher, etc) and all the cloth napkins so now I can't use my kitchen drawers either.
Oh my lord and she climbs. Anything will do. She pulls a little toy over and suddenly she's unpacking my entire pantry cabinet. She can wiggle her fingers behind the lock and sometimes pull stuff out from under the sink.
Good thing she's so cute.

Oh my, this was back when Roscoe was living with us. He's such a good boy. We loved having him but then he started jumping the fence and he had to be evicted.

I feel like these are pictures of an injury. But I don't see an injury. Hmmm. . .
Me and Maggie's date. I'm trying to take her on more dates. It's easy to forget about her when you're chasing after a hurricane, but I don't want to forget about her. :-) So I'm scheduling time for just the two of us to do little things together.

I feel so bad for myself. Look at what a disaster my living room is!