Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Picture Dump


Goliath: establishing dominance.
In Uncle Jeff's bandanna. He said she looks just like Axl Rose.
So sweet. I love these pictures.

My sweet, dumb Buddy boy. Apparently, he's up on the roofs a lot. Ours and our neighbors. 

Ruby made snow (baking soda and hand sanitizer) and them insisted bad guys had broken in and done it.

Maggie left me a note, "Thank me later. P.S. I restocked/cleaned your bag."

This is Val. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Changing times. . .

So, we're doing something different. The big girls are both back in school. I'm working. Laurie and Jeff are working. The babies are babying. Me and my girls go to Laurie and Jeff's house. Mom does the big girls' school work with them. Uncle Steve sits with the babies until noon. It's kinda crazy but I get infinitely more work done.

That's new. I don't have much to say yet. I think I'll do a photo dump. This is Rey when we first got her. She looked like a little rat.

Grilled hot dogs for dinner after swimming. 

I think there was a ladybug on her floatie. I don't see it but I think that's right.

I can't remember why Rey came to Laurie's but she couldn't be around Laurie's cats because she had an eye thing. Then Roscoe barked at her and she was done. I just held her in my arm and she passed out. Poor little bug.
This is Valentina and Buzzy. And Rey is walking by.
Oh, no. Actually, I think that's Winnie and Willow.