Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Finishing summer

Maggie's new shirt
This was our last day in Portland. We were walking to a park to let the kids play until we needed to go to the airport. And this dog was just laying on the sidewalk. She lived in the house and her person just lets her wander, I guess. She was so sweet and soft and pretty.

This was the girls playing at the park.

Ruby took some pictures. . . 

The next morning I started my new job and that night we got our foster girls. Jereise and Kiyah. 

We went to meet the teacher night. I only got two pictures because it was crazy.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 Maggie loves eggs benedict. I ordered it at a restaurant and she begged to try it and then ate like half my plate. She practically licked the plate clean. 

We were supposed to go home on Tuesday. I got a freaking text minutes before we were going to leave saying our flight was canceled and they put us on a new flight. . . IN TWO DAYS!!!! Ridiculous. I tried different airlines. I tried getting to OKC or Austin. There was nothing. I was supposed to start my new job on Wednesday. Now I can't start until Friday. I'm also getting two foster girls on Friday. So, Friday's gonna be a lot. What a pain.
Ruby loves the phone in our hotel room. 

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Portland: Day 3 and 4

 We got up early and went to a near by park. Maggie insisted she was sore and did not want to hike. So we just hiked a little. I let Maggie take pictures so there are a bunch.

After that, we got breakfast at a little place in downtown Portland. After that, it was kinda one thing after another. We kept trying to find somewhere that didn't require too much walking or hiking. But, after driving around forever, we couldn't find anything. Finally, we just gave up. We watched a movie and got dinner out. 

See that goose egg on Ruby. Maggie pushed her because Ruby TOUCHED HER BED!!! I mean, come on. Ugh!!!
The next morning we went back out to Mt. Hood to do a scenic chair lift. It was SCARY. Not for me but I was so scared Ruby would fall out. There is like nothing keeping you in. There's a little bar in from of you that even I could probably have just slipped under. I didn't take pictures because I was pretty sure my phone would fall and just be gone. 

We walked around the ski area for a while, not hiking, because Maggie wore slippers. I couldn't have made that up. Eventually, we got lunch. We saw a corgi that the girls obsesses over. Thankfully, the lady was nice about letting the girls pet him.