Friday, August 20, 2010

She's back!

Maggie's home!

After spending a week and one day staying with her Grandma, Grandpa Dennis and Amanda in Paradise, she is back home. Boy, have we missed her.

She had so much fun in Paradise. I visited her 3 times while she was there and she always had something to show me. She showed me Miley, the goat. The big spider (a freaking huge garden spider in the front yard). The chickens. Her little yellow boat in the pool.

I am so glad she had so much fun. We've decided we'll try to make this a regular thing she does every summer. I remember staying with my grandma's when I was growing up and it was always so fun. I want Maggie to have that too.

I know Grandma and Grandpa Dennis were sad to have her leave. They loved having her stay.

But I am so glad to have her back. I can't believe how hard it was to have her gone (BTW, she was gone because our AC was broken and our house was about 95 on average). I missed her so much.

But now she's back. Woo hoo!

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