Saturday, October 4, 2014

Catching up, September, part 2

Baby Jordan was born on Maggie's birthday! She was eh about that but she sure liked him.

 We celebrated Maggie's birthday with a bigger party on Friday night at Dave and Buster's and then just me, her, Aunt Laurie, and Ella at Great Wolf Lodge on Saturday and Sunday.

Here's Ella and Isaac "playing" a game. I kinda wish I had just pretended to pay for them to play.

 Nana, Ella, and Belle.
I didn't really pay for that one and I don't think he had any idea.
 Isaac and Ella shooting baskets with Grandpa.

 When we first got to Great Wolf Lodge. Not pictured: copious amounts of playing in the water park.
 Maggie wrote this on our table for me. So sweet.
 Love this series. Ella was vibrating with over exhaustion.

 This was them watching the story time. It was also taken about 30 seconds before Ella almost took a swan dive over the railing. Yikes!

 The next day we did the scavenger hunt thing. It was really cool. We bought this wand and we followed the clues to find stuff hidden all over the hotel. Once we found it we would point the wand at it and it would tell us we were right and record our journey. Very cool.

 It was pretty fun. I think the girls had fun.
And here's our wrecked car. It's in the shop now and I have the greatest rental ever. It's a huge awesome minivan and I love it. I will cry when I have to return it. :(

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