Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ruby Dooby Doo

Today we had two appointments: one at 4:00 for Maggie's piano lesson and one at 6:00 with Ruby's chiropractor. As always, we left the house at 3:30 to get to the piano lesson. Unfortunately, we got about 2 miles from the house and hit horrible traffic that didn't let up. It took us 45 minutes to get to a place we could exit. So we missed Maggie's piano lesson.

I told Maggie we would miss her lesson and she asked if we could go to Chili's for dinner. There happened to be one right by where we were so I said sure. I had google mapped our next destination and it would take us 30 minutes so we had plenty of time to eat.

Ruby was crying so we went straight in to eat. She sleeps if the car is moving but we never got over 5 mph in the 45 minutes so she cried the last bit we were in the car. :(

Maggie played on the ipad thing they have at Chili's now and Ruby nursed and then we ate. Right as me and Maggie were finishing eating, I heard Ruby poop. She's become a bit of a cluster pooper so I waited and sure enough she pooped again. I waited again and she pooped again. After that I went over to change her.

This is when I discovered these were three big poops that leaked bad out of her diaper so she and I were covered in poop. I wiped us down as well as I could but it was pretty bad so as fast as I could I paid out and we left for home.

This, my friends, is the story of how we drove for 2 hours but didn't make it to either of our destinations and spent $22 on food when we have a refrigerator full of food at home. In the words of Charlie Brown, good grief!

Other than that, Ruby is doing well. She nurses like a champ now and has at least regained her birth weight. She went to her first pedi appointment last week and they weighed her at 7 pounds, 7 ounces. She got her first vaccination, Hep B. They said she looked great. She doesn't have to have stretches anymore, thank God. Those were awful. Pretty much she sleeps, eats, and poops. She's a very happy baby. She rarely cries (knock on wood). Maggie loves her and loves to hold her. I cannot believe she's already a month old.

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