Friday, November 6, 2015

Our (luckiest) unlucky day!

Ruby had a chiropractor appointment Monday. We were going to the grocery store the next day so I told Maggie we could eat at Sonic on our way. Since the appointment was at 6 pm, I decided to stop at a Sonic near our chiropractor, rather than one near us. So we got to the Sonic and ordered and ate and listened to music. When it was time to go, the car wouldn't start. I tried a couple of times and it was a no go. I start trying to figure out what to do next, when I look in my rear view mirror and notice the business right next door to Sonic is a car parts store. So I get my wallet and keys and we walk over there.

I tell the guy we need a new battery and ask if he'll install it for us. He says sure but he wants to check my battery first. So we walk back over and he uses some diagnostic tool to determine that the battery isn't dead just overwhelmed (I guess by listening to Bruce Springsteen while we ate). So then he gets one of his work trucks and drives over and jumps our battery. He tells us to let it run for a few minutes then drive over so he can check the alternator. We do that and he checks it. He said everything was fine but something was loose on the battery, which he tightened for us. And that was it. It's started fine ever since and what could have been a huge horrible, expensive inconvenience was no big deal at all thanks to dumb luck (being right next door to a car parts store) and the kindness of a stranger.

Oh also while the guy was working on our car at Sonic, a lady pulled up and thought Maggie was so sweet and being so good, she offered to buy her an ice cream. I told she still had an ice cream in the car so she gave her the dollar to buy one later. Maggie was thrilled.

One night this week, the three of us were in bed. Ruby was sleeping and Maggie and I were quietly resting. I looked up at her and told her I loved her. She said what, so I repeated myself. When she said what again, I knew she was being silly so I signed I love you.
She signed I love you back to me. Suddenly Ruby startled and made the exact sign for I love you. Maggie and I both looked at her hand, then looked up at each other, shocked. I know it was a coincidence but wow, that I would say I love you, that she would pretend not to hear, that I would sign it, that she would sign it, that Ruby would startle at that exact moment, and make that exact sign. Crazy and beautiful.

Ruby's chiropractor was worried that Ruby's suck wasn't efficient, which would explain why she nurses pretty much non-stop when she's awake. She wanted me to make another appointment with the lactation consultant to have her checked out again. So we went back to see Mellanie. Mellanie thought she looked great. She's 1/2 an ounce from being 9 pounds. She got 2 oz. (which is exactly the goal) from nursing. She has good wet and dirty diapers. She's just a high need baby and when she's awake, she wants to be nursing. It's good to know she's doing so well. :)

I decided to go through ALL of Maggie's clothes to figure out what fits and what she is willing to wear. I thought the combination of those requirements would wipe out almost all of her clothes but she actually has plenty left. I made her try on everything she kept, including undies and socks, but now she only has clothes she is willing to wear. I still am not 100% sure what she likes and doesn't like about certain clothes but at least we have options.

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