Friday, August 12, 2016

A million homes

We've been house hunting which has been surprisingly difficult. Apparently companies are buying up property as rent homes. We lost two houses because they got full cash offers. Crazy! 
We finally got an accepted offer. There's still inspection, appraisal, yadda yadda. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!!!!
Maggie was only interested in any pets in the houses. Every time I told her, we don't get to keep the pets. They don't transfer. But still every house, she'd run up and announce, they have a cat. She even named a few. 
If they didn't have pets, she took pictures and videos. 
When we finally had an accepted offer, I had to remind her of the house by which pet was there. 
In other fabulous news, my diastasis recti is fixed!!! Woo hoo! I can exercise. No more grouchiness. Well, less grouchiness. 

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