Sunday, January 8, 2017

Christmas, continued, and a Ruby update

Maggie made her Christmas list early and I was not pleased to see I had gotten her nothing on it and was done shopping. Luckily, Richard goes all out at Christmas and he doesn't start shopping until December 23 or so. 
We went on a carriage ride. We didn't get Max this year. We had Amber. It was a beautiful ride. 
We went and saw Santa, of course. Maggie decided she didn't want to sit on Santa's lap this year. She has a thing about sitting on people's laps now. I don't know what it is but she goes bananas if you try to get her on your lap. Anyway, she sat very politely NEXT to Santa.
Ruby was UNSURE. When we got to Santa, she looked at him and then back at me and said, who's that? When I handed her off, her eyes just about popped out of her head. Like, WTF?!? Then I stood just behind the camera and jumped and danced and sang and laughed. She started to tear up but when I did that she calmed down. This was the closest we got to a smile.

Looking at her in that picture, I realized how much she looks like Maggie from her Santa picture when she was one year older than Ruby above. The pose. The facial expression. The posture. The blonde curls. Everything. Crazy.
We went to Maggie's theater presentation thing. At some point in the semester, they decided not to have each kid do a little skit; however, that information never made it to me. So, we have spent all semester memorizing her skit. Alas. They played improv type games with their whole class and teacher and some of the other teachers. It was very cute.
Me and Ruby and Richard and Aunt Susie were all there to cheer for sweet Maggie.

Ruby just wants to touch it!!!
Jilli too!!!
Maggie used her silly sticks to label her door.
Funny thing. When she first put it up, she made it a mirror image. And didn't realize it was wrong. She's been reading and writing her name for at least five years. It's so. . . strange.
Ruby started waking up early from naps and then immediately falling asleep on me in the living room. IF it's dead quiet and no one breaths too loud.
Gah!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!!!
Speaking of Ruby, she continues to be a tornado. Although I enjoy calling her Hurricane Ruby. Try it. It rolls right off the tongue. She climbs now. Thank all that is right with the world, she can't get on the couch yet. I saw Jilli climb on Laurie's couch and thought, dear God no. She stands up in her high chair so she keeps getting kicked out of it. She eats a lot. She loves cheese. She walks around saying, cheese, cheese. She'll pull me to the fridge, point at it, and say, cheese! She eats toast, pasta with spaghetti sauce, chili, yogurt and applesauce, I think most anything. She has two more teeth that are right there and should break through any second now. She says mama, Maggie (upgraded from Ma! to Ma-eeeeee!; always shouted), dog, kitty cat, Gree (Greenley), Ree (Reese), Hi!, Bye!, see you later, good girl, uh oh, ow, night night, cheese!, and, of course, all the every loving time, what's that? what's that? who's that? I have to chase her to change her clothes or diaper, not because she minds but because she thinks it's funny. She and Maggie play a chase game that she loves so much. Me too, it makes me sooooo happy to see my girls playing. She loves to get in a tall, very narrow cabinet. She'll close the door and say, bye see you later, and then throw it open and say, hi! She enjoys peek-a-boo (where's Ruby?). She likes to look in the mirror. She got a ton of toys for Christmas but she loves her blocks. She dances constantly, still the bounce squat thing. She's a pain but oh Lord, I love her. She's so worth it.

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