Tuesday, January 8, 2019

September 2018

These big girls turned 3 and 10. Wow.

My mom bought me a shirt but Maggie commandeered it. Doesn't she look like she loves it?

Maggie and I took the day off and had a full day of dates for her birthday. We had so much fun. First, we got breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
Then we got pedicures.

Then we got Starbucks. At Starbucks, we heard the song Mrs. Robinson and I decided to google how old Mrs. Robinson was. The actress who played her was 35. 35!!!!

Then we had lunch. We only took like two bites before we were full because we had such a big breakfast. Luckily they wrapped it all up for us.
Maggie then became my favorite because she suggested we take a nap. :)
Then we went to the movies and saw the House with the Clock in its Walls, or something like that. It was great.

Ruby has so broken that door, I finally just took the whole thing off. She is a machine.
Laurie's giant foster kitties.

Ruby got into the sour cream.

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