Monday, April 17, 2023

Pictures (lots of pictures)

 This is Maggie and Ruby's new baby brother, Oliver.

Maggie at the mall with her friends.

My sweet old guy, Cousin Eddie. His tumors are cancer. They said without surgery he can probably live another 2-3 years, but honestly, I don't know if he has that long no matter what. And surgery was so stressful for him. I'm not putting him through it. I'm going to keep him as comfortable as possible and give him all the love. It'll be a good ending for him.

This is the Broken Bow cabin we stayed in. I didn't get as many pictures as I thought. 
This is Chiara, our new very scared foster. She stayed under my bed for a day or two but she's really opened up. She's a good sweet shy girl.

After we got back from Broken Bow, me and my kids, Laurie and her kids, and Gwen went to the Botanical Gardens. It was so pretty. 

Ruby's class

Baby Maggie came up in my memories. Look at her!

I was exercising and I looked up and Honey was standing between my legs looking at me. I didn't quite get the picture.

She's a stone cold nerd.


She had to keep her leash on for the first few days so I could get her out from under the bed for eating and going potty. 

Ruby is presenting her secret 3D shape. I think it was a sphere bath bomb.

These guys showed up at the Arlington Animal Shelter and, apparently, it's really bad to have puppies at shelters because there are a lot of germs and puppies don't have all their vaccinations. So, now they're at my house. What a freaking disaster! They are so cute but dear God, they are tremendous pains in the ass.

Us picking the puppies up. Ruby LOVES the puppies.

Transportation Career Day

Purple collar is Morticia. 
Rainbow day, I think.

Yellow collar is Wednesday. Blue is Lurch.

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