Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Pie

Oh Magpie, what a little princess. This summer has been so much fun. Maggie now has a real laugh but, let me tell you, she is real stingey(?) with it. First she would only laugh about me "eating" her hands. Now she'll laugh if I say her name in a silly voice. But that's it. And it is the cutest laugh. Once she starts whatever I've done to get her to laugh, I do it over and over (not unlike a 3 year old) to get her to keep laughing.

Maggie is also deep into the separation anxiety. If she's tired and I am there no one else can hold her. No one. Not Daddy, not Grandpa, not Nana. No one. And even if she isn't tired she wants to be really close to me. She wants me in her line of vision. If I hand her to someone else and she's tired, oh my Lord, does she let me know. She stares at me in complete shock and cries loudly. And it's the real tears. I'll come back and there will be huge tears on her face. Poor little baby. But Mommies have to eat too and go to the bathroom and even sleep. It's true.

Pie is continuing going all over the place. She crawls everywhere in this crazy dog crawl-like thing. She crawls on her hands and feet. It's pretty cute. She's so sweet. She loves to stand up and does a little cruising but mostly just crawling and standing. Two days ago, for the first time, she was able to use her little push walker thing and actually walk with it. It's like a lawnmower/vacuum shape thing (in tiny baby size) that has wheels so she can push it and walk and have a little extra help. When we first pulled this out, there was lots of falling. The wheels would start going and she would not.

She still eats a lot. I have just started buying her regular (non-baby) food and making it myself. She loves fruit and veggies and salmon and cereal. She's getting much better about non-pureed food. At first she made the most god-awful faces when I'd give her a Cheerio or bite of fruit. You'd think I'd given her dog food.

I can't believe how fast she's growing up. She's almost 10 months. We'll be going on her first vacation soon, complete with her first plane ride, first time in the ocean and first swimsuit. It should be quite fun.

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