Monday, June 15, 2009

All Caught Up

Ok, I'm caught up blogging about your life up to this point. So now I can tell you about the day to day stuff. We just moved into our house on Cherry Court and you must like it because you, completely out of the blue, have started sleeping through the night. Not that I'm not thrilled. It's nice sleeping. Although I do love nursing and rocking you in the middle of the night. You are such a sweet beautiful baby.

Anytime I go to get you out of your crib you have a huge smile on your face. You are so happy to be awake. I've been letting you kind of try out feeding yourself. Or rather that is what we are working toward. I put your bowl on your high chair rather than somewhere you can't reach and give you your own spoon. Today you seemed like you got where we were heading with this. You picked up the spoon and tried to get it in the bowl. Then I helped a little and put some food on the spoon and you tried to get it in your mouth. It was cute watching you do all of this. You concentrate so hard and look so serious. It's amazing to think that here you are this cute little baby but your brain is working about 5 million times harder and faster than mine.

You have the sweetest little serious face. You look at your toys like that. You hold them in your hands and turn them this way and that and just kind of absorb them. And it's so serious. And then you'll look up to check that I'm still there and laugh like it's the funniest thing ever.

You have such a great sense of humor. This morning when you were nursing you were waving your arm around and I pretended to eat your hand. You laughed so hard but you were still nursing so it was just this hilarious huh, huh, huh kind of thing that doesn't really translate into type.

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