Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010

Day 5 of Potty Training Boot Camp

Accidents: 1
Successes: 1

Woo hoo! I like that ratio. She only had one accident today and she was with her Daddy when it happened.

Her success was glorious. I put her on the potty and she stayed there for about 5 minutes. She finally got off and I almost didn't even check. But then I did and success. Pee-pee in the potty!!! Quite fantastic.

She's still screaming and crying when we go to the gym daycare. I don't know why. She didn't mind it in the beginning but now she seems very unhappy. They tell me she's usually fine after I leave but it really stinks to see her so upset, you know?

Other than that we've played and watched videos today. I never let Maggie watch TV so I told her if she used the potty I'd let her watch. I hate children's shows. They are truly awful. Why do children like them?

She's dancing now and it is so cute, I don't know what to do. She makes little fists and jumps around. So cute.

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