Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1, 2010

Day 4 of Potty Training Boot Camp

Accidents: lots, including our first poop accident
Successes: 0

This stinks. I hate this. I have nothing more to say on the subject.

Maggie isn't walking much anymore. She's started crawling around again. I'm guessing potty training and this are connected. Poor thing, she's feeling that bittersweet feeling of growing up. You want to be older, to have more independence but you also want to be a baby and be taken care of. It's a constant battle as you grow up but it's not really a choice because you will get older. I guess she's starting to feel that.

Maggie and I laid on the floor this afternoon. We had our heads right next to each other and looked at the ceiling. I would get up and she would get up and then she would ask, "Lay down mama?" And I would lay down with her again. And I loved it. I love her so much.

We had our last tumbling class of this session today. She did amazing. She held on to the bar with both hands and was able to support most of her weight. She went all the way through the obstacle course and she walked across the big balance beam with support and lots of encouragement.

I still see Maggie as my baby but days like this remind me that she's not. She really is becoming a little kid. Bittersweet is definitely the right word.

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