Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 2011

  • Maggie woke up and told me that in the ceiling was a dreamboat. (Turns out this is something real that Gran and Nana have in their room.)

  • I had a sinus infection and I was laying in bed. Maggie and Richard came in the room and stood by the bed. I made a comment about going to the doctor and Maggie said, "I'll take care of you. I'll take you to the doctor."

  • I bought Maggie a new pair of sunglasses (with 100% UVA protection) and she is currently wearing them all the time. Even inside, at night, all the time. It's so cute.

  • We were driving to a tea party with some of Maggie's friends and listening to music, when Maggie told me, "Mommy, this is my favorite song." I was so excited. It's a mixed CD we've been listening to for a while. I turned it up a little and said I'm so glad you like this song. Then the next song came on and Maggie said, "Mommy, this is my favorite song." Oh. Then the next song came on and Maggie said, "Mommy, this is my favorite song." Ah.

  • Maggie has become so much more social. At the tea party one of her little friends was being shy, so Maggie walked up to her, took her hand and said, "It's ok, come play with me."

  • This morning when I dropped Maggie off at Nana's house, she said, "Let's play." She ran and grabbed some toys. "Here's a toy for Mama," she said, handing me Angelina ballerina. "Here's a toy for Nana," she said, handing Nana bluebird. "Now let's play." I asked, "What are we playing," and Maggie answered, "Toys." Duh.

  • We went to Aunt Laurie's house to see Ella. Ella was sitting in my lap and Maggie came up to see her. Ella's fingernails were a little long and she scratched her a little when she touched Maggie's face. Maggie touched her face and said, "Whoa."

  • Aunt Laurie brought in Ella's exersaucer and Maggie said, "Oh, thank you. Thank you. I love it!"

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