Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18, 2012

Well, today was very blah. We got up and cuddled while we watched movies this morning. After breakfast and cuddles and Mommy's coffee, we got all ready to go running (well I run, she sits in her stroller) and it turns out it was raining. Boo!

So instead we took a very long nap, which was nice. But Maggie was very grumpy after such a long sleep. She actually cried really hard because Gran got on to her for jumping on the arm of the couch. I almost felt bad minus the fact she could have hurt herself.

Later we went to dinner with Grandpa and Grandmo. We had a very nice time. Maggie even went over and introduced herself to a group of girls, two of which wore glasses. She was very excited about that.

Well, that's about it. It was actually a nice lazy day.

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