Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012

I started the behavior system today. Maggie seems to understand it and actually did pretty well today. She only lost one crayon (I'm using an old butter container and 10 crayons) today because when I took her upstairs to take her nap, she called me stupid. But considering it's the first day I thought that was pretty awesome.

We took a long walk tonight to the park and then we played there for quite a while. She was so good and we had so much fun. She's climbing up all the ladders they have on the playground with no help from me at all. It's amazing how big she's getting. After we'd been playing for a while, she mumbled something to me but all I heard was the word poop. So I immediately asked do you need to poop? And she said, no but probably later. I kept asking her but she seemed alright and then she said, yeah I need to poop. We left for home but it's not a short walk and I'm sure it feels very long to her. I was so worried I was going to have to let her poop in someone's yard. Oh good Lord, can you imagine???

She's been really interested in hearing stories about when she was a baby. I've told her about my pregnancy and her birth a million times but she just loves the story. So I've been telling her tons of little stories that I can think of. It's sad how hard it is to think of something. It feels like it's gone by so fast.

I remembered one story that I wanted to put on here before I forget it. When we first were teaching Maggie her colors, she always answered that everything was red. Well, obviously, sometimes she was right but more often she was wrong. So after a while, when we asked her, what color is this, she would always answer "not red."

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