Friday, April 27, 2012

Learning Time

I want to start posting the various crafts and educational activities Maggie and I do together. So here goes. 

We're working on -at words. Basically, I wrote the -at word and we sounded it out together. Wait, first we  established what at said. Then added the different beginnings to sound out the word. Then she "erased" the beginning letter with a q-tip dipped in water. I encouraged her to stay on the exact line to do her "magic trick." 

We created a birthday card for her Nana. I used a piece of construction paper, white paint, glitter and a glitter pen. First, I painted her hands white and then pressed them on the paper to make a heart. Then she put glitter on the heart. I wrote Happy Birthday, Nana and Love. Then I helped Maggie write her name. I tried to let her direct as much as possible.

This was a cool idea of what to do with extra construction paper scraps. I helped Maggie write her name really big on construction paper. I directed a lot on this one since it was so big. Then I put glue on one area at a time and let her put the scraps (I cut them up but next time I'd like her to cut) on the line. It's hard to tell at the end what's written so I figure it either needs bigger letters or smaller scraps.

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