Friday, April 27, 2012

Maggie and Ella at Grandpa's house

Maggie, Ella, Laurie, Grandpa and I were all at Grandpa's house. The girls had lots of fun pulling Maggie's suitcase back and forth across the house. It's so big compared to Ella; it was pretty funny watching her pull it.

Ella found Maggie's old bunny hat. So of course, we put it on her. Oh my Lord, she was so cute in it.

The Holy Grail, my friends. A sweet, good picture of the girlies.

I'm guessing Ella touched Maggie and this is Maggie's offended look. She is so dramatic.

Check out that hair. A lady can never have too many accessories!

Maggie took this picture of Grandpa (or 'Pa, as Ella calls him). Not bad.

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