Monday, December 30, 2013


The Friday before Christmas, we met up with Grandpa and Ella to go look at Christmas lights.

 Next was Christmas Eve. It was so much fun. Everyone was there, the food was great, and truly, what more can you ask for.

After Santa came.
Next we had our Christmas with Grandma, Grandpa Dennis, and Amanda. Jan had to work Christmas Eve.

Well that's about it. It has been a great Christmas. Dad, Laurie, and I got together last night to watch Scrooged, Christmas Vacation, and Bad Santa. I am so relieved Christmas is over and ready for the new year!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Christmas Fun

Friday night we met up with Nana and Gran to go on a carriage ride. Unbeknownst to me it had gotten freaking cold outside so we weren't really prepared. But it was still quite fun.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A great, Christmas-y day--December 18, 2013

Today was a great day. We started out making ornaments for Christmas presents. I made the dough and had the kids put their hands or feet (Isaac) in them and then baked them. They turned out pretty cute.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sleepover at Ella's--December 14-15, 2013

Laurie and Jeff went to Dallas to celebrate Laurie's birthday and I stayed with Maggie and Ella. It was interesting. The girls woke up, FOR THE DAY, at 4.30am. They were, surprisingly, not that bad. They made a huge mess but there was no blood.

Superheroes. Note the capes.

Building forts.

Spies. Ella has no pants and Maggie's glasses. Well done.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hurst Christmas Festival--December 3, 2013

Michelle, Isabella and Isaac joined us to go to the Hurst Christmas Festival. Maggie is still getting used to our schedule and konked out on the way there.

 The first thing we saw were the reindeer. Maggie, Isaac and Isabella.

Next up we went to the play area. The girls jumped and slid in the little bounce house and decided to go check out the big pirate ship bounce house. Maggie did the whole thing (Isabella changed her mind) and loved it. :)

After that the girls did a cute Santa craft that I have no pictures of. There were also very close and loud fireworks.