Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Christmas Fun

Friday night we met up with Nana and Gran to go on a carriage ride. Unbeknownst to me it had gotten freaking cold outside so we weren't really prepared. But it was still quite fun.

Maggie stayed the night with Nana and Gran and had a great time but she was very tired the next day.
The next day we all met up again to go on the Polar Express. It was. . . interesting. It was raining and muddy, which was no fun. We took a shuttle but then still had to walk a long way to the train depot. Then no one told us where to go or where to get our tickets. It was pretty much a pain. I think next year we'll go to the Pajama Polar Express thing at the FW Science museum.                                            

Maggie with her bell.
 Oh so we get off the train and they tell us we're going through a Christmas tree maze to see Santa. Maze is an interesting choice of words but I was thrilled it didn't take too long. But instead of just a Santa being there, there was a whole musical and dancing. At first Maggie was impressed but luckily, after a while she said she was bored and wanted to go. Done, kid!
In the Christmas tree "maze"

The show

Maggie ringing her bell for Santa
 So for this Christmas I made a list of all the things I wanted Maggie to be able to do. And the one thing I didn't get done was making gingerbread houses. Then her Dad emailed me the pictures below. Woo hoo!

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