Thursday, December 19, 2013

A great, Christmas-y day--December 18, 2013

Today was a great day. We started out making ornaments for Christmas presents. I made the dough and had the kids put their hands or feet (Isaac) in them and then baked them. They turned out pretty cute.

Maggie wanted to write out her numbers through 20. It was pretty cute she made them in a horseshoe shape and would write the teen numbers by writing, say, the 6 and then a 1 in front of it.

Then we went to visit Santa. Can you tell she's excited?

Almost there. . .

Made it!

What a gorgeous girl.
We went to BJ's after for dinner and Maggie got a kid's menu and crayons. She was drawing and she said, Look Mom, she had drawn and labeled a picture of a cat. WOW!!! It's funny because, while I know Maggie can read and write, she is very shy about it and consistently says she can't and won't do it in front of other people. It's nice to see her getting confident in her abilities.
Hanging out at BJ's.

Conked out on the ride home.

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