Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Maggie's reading and spelling has exploded. She is constantly saying, I know how to spell x, and I'll say, how, and every time she's right. Today she correctly spelled most. What's crazy is we've never even read that word. Every time I read her books, she is constantly pointing out words she knows. She asks me to read and pause when it's a word she knows (or can decode).

A week or so ago, we were driving when Maggie spotted a hawk. She asked me what hawks eat and I told her mice and other small animals. She thought for a minute and asked, do they eat baby kangaroos?

Around that same time, I was putting her to bed, when she started quizzing me about various sea life. It was so funny. Her questions were what crawls along the bottom of the ocean; what has a fin and sharp teeth; what has a fin and is black and white; what has 8 tentacles and a big head.

We had a great NYE. We went to Laurie's house and Grandpa came over too.

 I bought sparkling water and plastic champagne glasses for the girls. Laurie added a frozen strawberry to each glass. We did lots of cheers-ing.
 This was mostly amiable roughhousing.

 Grandpa and the girlies right before bed. We did a countdown for them at about 8pm.

 The next morning Ella was up by about 6.30 but her mom made her stay in bed until 7.30 and then I got up with them until 9.30. Then Jeff relieved me and I slept til after noon. It was great. I don't know how he kept them so quiet for over 3 hours but well done.

This is their tent. Ella looks really sad down there but they were having fun.

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