Sunday, March 9, 2014

This week

We went to the library for story time this week. It was quite cute. They were celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. They read Seuss books and did a little dance. We didn't get to do the craft because Isaac was a little overwhelmed. Hopefully next week we'll have better luck.
 After that, I took all 3 kids to the grocery store. I told them if they were good and stayed with me we could play at the McDonald's playground afterwards. And they were so good. I couldn't believe it. No one ran off or grabbed anything off the shelves. It was a true miracle.

We played at the McDonald's playground for a long time. There were 2 boys that followed Maggie around the entire time.

Friday we met up with some new friends at the Grapevine Botanical Gardens. It was quite awesome. Especially this huge spiderweb that all the kids loved.

When Maggie was younger, she was very shy and timid. Around new people, she would hide behind me and it took her a long time to play with new kids. She was never brave or adventurous. She was always very careful. And I guess I've just kept that view of her.

But it's not really accurate anymore. When we're around other kids (of any age), she's always making friends and initiating play. She was the first of all the kids to climb to the top on this spiderweb thing. It's funny to suddenly realize your kid has changed. I suppose I have a lot more of that to look forward to.

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