Monday, May 1, 2017

Catching up--Maggie

Maggie is doing so well. Having a set routine has been so good for her. Between baby Ruby craziness and moving, things were so crazy but since we've been in our home and gotten more and more settled, she has just gotten happier and calmer.
I'm going to do a separate post just about her school but (*spoiler alert*), it's going great!
She and Ella are getting along so well and play mostly nicely now. Of course, the babies fight and screech like banchees now. But hey, it can't all be rosy.
She loves the little girl across the street and they play often. She loves listening to audiobooks and is particularly enamored with Flora and Ulysses. I bought her the real book and she asked me to read it to her. She corrects me constantly regarding wording, intonation, pronunciation, etc. I finally had to tell her she had to stop or I wouldn't read it. 
She had to get a new bike that fit her long legs. I've made it my goal to get rid of the training wheels. She is not very athletic or coordinated at all but neither am I and I exercise every day and a lot and hard so she's capable. I've just told her she has to be able to ride a bike for safety reasons (not sure what those are but it's working) and, if after she can ride sans training wheels, she doesn't want to ride, that's fine. 
Her swimming is CRAZY GOOD. She looks like a swimmer. And she loves it.
She got attacked by a rooster at Jan's house. She didn't take it well but it was pretty funny. She has now been attacked by a 12 point buck and a rooster. Someday she's going to have the best stories at the bar.
She has a lot of chores and mostly does them without complaining. She's in charge of moving laundry from the washer to the dryer, cleaning the lint trap, running the dryer, separating the laundry, and putting away towels, diapers, napkins, and her clothes. She also unloads the dishwasher and feeds and waters the pets. I would like to do more cooking with her. 
Maggie and Ruby are mostly super sweet together. Occasionally they get ugly and yell at each other but mostly it's sweetness or just ignoring each other. 
We're not going to continue karate or acting. It occurred to me that the whole purpose of homeschooling (or rather one of our main reasons) is that I don't like forcing kids to do meaningless crap for the sake of doing the meaningless crap. And yet I'm forcing her to take classes that she is 100% eh about. Why???? This felt like such an epiphany. I've decided that if, in the future, she wants to take a class, SHE can convince ME to put her in the class. This doesn't apply to swimming because swimming is a genuine safety issue.
We signed up for Laurie's co-op (that she probably won't be at next year :-( I need a space here). I'm excited for both girls to have the opportunity to be around the same kids on a regular basis. Maggie's also taking some cool classes. Ruby was cute in the nursery. Both girls got sick after we visited the co-op. Oh, gross kids.

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