Friday, October 26, 2018

Carpets, kittens, and costumes

Look at those before and afters! It turns out that carpet stains are not cured by prayer and some sort of witchcraft but rather carpet cleaner and a scrub brush.

They are so cute ruining their eye sight.
Stupid Jack! Or Charlie! Or Meg! Or Lucy!
All the books we read.
That smock is too much!!!

I think that was the first time she had ever seen paint because I would never, ever give that child more ways to destroy walls and furniture.
We got a new kitten. Guess how happy this made Greenlea? But it made my girls happy so. . .

Maggie is wearing her Halloween costume.
Oh my God, my ovaries!!! Look at that little heinie.
Poor kitty! Also, Ruby, not so smart to hold a kitten naked.

Greenlea is pissed about her new friend.

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