Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sick again?


Everyone is finally healthy which is a miracle. I feel very hopeful we're done. We'll never get sick again. Woohoo!

Monday night I started the girls doing chores. I really never require them to do chores, which is bad. I clean while they are school and thus, they don't even know how it happens. But that's not doing any favors to anyone. So I made each of them a little list and this was a Pre-Screens list.

Ruby was not impressed. Maggie jumped right in but then was enraged at Ruby's lack of work. Insert eyeroll. After Maggie finished, we ate dinner. I made black bean burgers and Maggie liked them!!! Ruby apparently is done with being an adventurous eater and now Maggie likes most things I cook. It feels like a miracle.

During dinner, I again brought up cleaning and Ruby said she needed help! Eyeroll again. But whatever, so we worked together and I let her check off each box and she did great. Very exciting stuff.


Grandpa picked the girls up from school and took them to a Spirit Night thing for Mary Moore at McDonald's. They seemed to have fun.


Ruby came out on time and we played until it was time to wake up Maggie. Maggie was in a mood. Her socks are bothering her again. WHY!?!? I thought this was over. We went to war over socks and then it was fine and this morning was a whole thing and she begged not to go to school and just why??? I made her go but ugh!

Jay leaves on Friday for his doctor appointments. He should get the rest of his shots, which should get rid of the hookworms and whatever else. Surgeries will be scheduled for next week. He might come home between the appointments or maybe not. After that will be heartworm treatment.

Ruby got sick again. Ugh. Picture dump time.

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