Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bad times. . .

I guess I'm not doing every day now. Thanks to our dear leader, we'll be in quarantine forever. It's harder now because it didn't have to be this way. Europe and NZ and Canada and lots of other places did a couple of months or so of severe shutdown and now they can reopen (using contract tracing to prevent another outbreak). Schools can open. Businesses can open. And we're still in the middle of horrible pandemic. 140,000 Americans are dead. In less than six months. And still no leadership. It's state by state, city by city, county by county.

There are actual secret police on American streets beating American citizens. I write that but I cannot quite believe it. They wear no insignia or badges. They refuse to answer who they are, who they work for. They beat peaceful protestors. They arrest in unmarked vans with no probable cause. This is in America.

I wanted to write about Ruby and Maggie and our life but I can't think about anything but this. I feel like I'm in Germany in 1935. Should we leave? Are we safe? Will things get better? You read about times like this and wonder why people didn't leave. Like it's so easy. Like there's a moment you know.

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