Thursday, July 9, 2020

Friday through Wednesday, Day 112-117 of Quarantine

I'm having a hard time. Everything is insane. In the beginning it was scary because we just didn't know. Now we know but our government just doesn't care. All state offices are closed and people are working from home. TXDot, TEA, etc. But schools? They're opening. Children (including my children) have to be on the front line of a pandemic. And there's nothing I can do to protect my kids. I have to send them. I have to work.

Trump is a monster. A racist, misogynistic monster. He is pretending the pandemic is over so he can spew his hateful, racist rhetoric. He's turned this country into a joke. We could have ended this pandemic, like, oh, ALL OF EUROPE DID. But no. Instead we get a huge number (and rising every day) of deaths AND an economic freefall.

I don't know what else to say. I'm sickened by this.

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