Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Accidental long weekend

 We had an accidental long weekend. I threw up Thursday night. Friday, I went to work for a meeting and then came home. I picked up the girls early and got groceries. We had a movie night on Friday. It was my pick, and I chose While You Were Sleeping, which is totally a Christmas movie. I made baked potatoes for dinner. 

As we were getting ready for bed on Friday night, I got an email informing me Ruby had a two-hour dress rehearsal on Saturday. Bleh. Saturday, I got her all ready in her ballet costume and perfect ballet bun. I dropped her off (it was a mad house) and walked the dogs and got ready. I came back to see the end of rehearsal. She is so cute as a little angel. 

After practice, we went to the library. I told Ruby she could get her very own library card and check out books (so long as she keeps them safe from our stupid dogs!). She was so excited. 

I made lasagna for dinner with yeast rolls, which the girls freaking loved. It was Ruby's turn to pick a movie and she picked Elf. Woohoo!

Sunday, I took the dogs on a walk. As I was leaving, I told Maggie to lock me out. I got back and not only was the door not locked, it had opened. My daughters were home, alone, with no alarm on, no dogs, and the front door open. I was NOT happy. I told Maggie that a kid had been killed by a FedEx driver, which I'm not sure I should have. Maybe that was too much; I don't know. 

I baked more potatoes and rolls for dinner. It was Maggie's turn to pick. I suggested Christmas Vacation, but she chose the new Santa Clauses show. It was extremely lame. 

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