Monday, March 20, 2023

Almost spring. . .

 Maggie asked me to help her get strong!!! I'm so excited. She says she wants to be able to pick up Ruby and her friends. 

Ruby got in trouble at school. . . again. She carved in a table in her class. When I asked her why, she said, no one was looking and she wanted to see how it would look. 

Ruby loves Wednesday Addams. There's a new show of her on Netflix and Ruby loves it. She says she likes to play Thing when she and her friends play. She also likes to be Wednesday but all the other kids do too. So Ruby decided every day she will dress like Wednesday (i.e. all in black) so that people will let her be Wednesday because she already looks so much like her. She also wants to dye her hair black.

I was picking up Maggie from sectionals one evening and she was walking with her math teacher. He was very handsome, so, when she got in the car, I told her I thought he was cute. Then! She told him! It was a whole thing and quite embarrassing and she's got a big mouth. 

Then, we were in the car and she said, should I give him your number? And I said, Maggie he's a young cute guy and I'm an old lady, he wouldn't want to date me. And she said. . . yeah. Rude! There's a social contract, man! Also, I feel compelled to state, I would not let her give anyone my number or set me up with her teacher because that's gross. 

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