I had a horrifying experience this morning. First, Eddie kept waking me up last night, which he has never done before. He cried at me and licked my hand. When I got up, I went in the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker AND. . . a burner on the stove was on. It had been on all night. I could feel it the second I walked in the room. I wonder if Eddie felt it and was trying to tell me something was wrong.
When I got Maggie up, I brought her in the kitchen and asked her if she made ramen the night before. She said yes. I told her she left the stove on (I knew it was her anyway because Ruby isn't allowed to touch the stove and she can't reach it without a chair) and she could have burned the house down and killed all of us and all the pets. I told her she has to be more aware of what she is doing.
I'm getting a second job. Things are tight as is and I'm about to have to add so much. Maggie will do drivers ed (with me!) this summer. But that means adding her to my insurance, maybe buying her a car in a year or two. She will need a phone. She needs braces. Ruby has all her ADHD stuff coming up and I doubt testing, meds, etc are cheap. I got a job at a foster/adoption agency doing home studies. I know how to do that, and it pays more than my previous job.
Maggie's grades have improved so much. I guess she just needed proper motivation. I check every day and make sure I tell her how proud I am. Maggie has decided to take theater next year. I also saw that they have web design/animation classes which I will put her in if at all possible. I think that would be so good for her.
Ruby also is doing well. I knew I had seen a huge growth in her reading and everything. But I got her Middle of the Year assessment results and they confirmed it. Everything is "graded" on a spectrum. There's below average (needs support), average, and above average. At the beginning of the year, she was in below average to average. She is now above average across the board. Her current reading level is the level expected of 1st graders at the end of the year and she's almost ready to move up. I'm so proud of her!
Eddie may be a hospice foster. The rescue told me the vet would know more after his appointment. But then the vet canceled so now I have to find a new vet and get a sooner appointment. His legs shake when he stands but, on Wednesday when it was warm day, he was like a different dog. He ran and played with Annie. So maybe it's just the cold weather on his old bones.
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