Monday, February 26, 2024


 Ruby was asking about what happens after Maggie learns to drive and I said, um, she'll know how to drive. And she asked, will she go to college then? And I said, that's still a few years away. Finally, it became clear she was thinking that when Maggie goes to college, she'll be gone. I told her about when Laurie left for college and that even though, at that time, we hadn't been super close, it was DEVASTATING to me. I bawled and bawled when she left. I told her I assumed Maggie would probably live at home when she went to college. I don't think it's affordable anymore for a kid to live on their own until they have a real job. There's no way, even with roommates, you could afford rent on a part-time, minimum wage job. So, I kinda explained that to Ruby and just said that Maggie would probably move out later. Ruby said, I think I'm always going to live with you. Sounds good to me!

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