Monday, June 15, 2009

All Caught Up

Ok, I'm caught up blogging about your life up to this point. So now I can tell you about the day to day stuff. We just moved into our house on Cherry Court and you must like it because you, completely out of the blue, have started sleeping through the night. Not that I'm not thrilled. It's nice sleeping. Although I do love nursing and rocking you in the middle of the night. You are such a sweet beautiful baby.

Anytime I go to get you out of your crib you have a huge smile on your face. You are so happy to be awake. I've been letting you kind of try out feeding yourself. Or rather that is what we are working toward. I put your bowl on your high chair rather than somewhere you can't reach and give you your own spoon. Today you seemed like you got where we were heading with this. You picked up the spoon and tried to get it in the bowl. Then I helped a little and put some food on the spoon and you tried to get it in your mouth. It was cute watching you do all of this. You concentrate so hard and look so serious. It's amazing to think that here you are this cute little baby but your brain is working about 5 million times harder and faster than mine.

You have the sweetest little serious face. You look at your toys like that. You hold them in your hands and turn them this way and that and just kind of absorb them. And it's so serious. And then you'll look up to check that I'm still there and laugh like it's the funniest thing ever.

You have such a great sense of humor. This morning when you were nursing you were waving your arm around and I pretended to eat your hand. You laughed so hard but you were still nursing so it was just this hilarious huh, huh, huh kind of thing that doesn't really translate into type.

Lots of Firsts

Look at how cute you are. And check out that rock star hair. That, my dear, is a combination of freshly washed hair and baby lotion. Very cool. This post is out of order because the computer is not being cooperative and won't let me rearrange the pictures into order.
This is your first St. Patrick's Day (Hooray!!!) and your 6-month old birthday. It was such a great time. I was off for Spring Break and we spent the whole week together. You were perfecting your crawling skills and kind of beginning to remain standing by holding on to things. Your personality was really beginning to come through. You are such a happy baby. You are so satisfied with playing and being close to people you love and you will tolerate me hugging and holding and kissing you a lot. I love being with you. You are always such a pleasant companion. I love you so much!!!

Your first Thanksgiving. We were in Bryan/College Station at GG's house. We had just started a strict nursing schedule because you were so little. You had trouble sleeping there because you were so curious. But everyone just adored you. You are now almost 9 months old and you can still wear that Winnie the Pooh set (although it is much smaller on you). I love that outfit.

Your first Halloween. We didn't do anything except have dinner with some friends and family and then hang out at the house with Grandpa and Grandmo. I couldn't find a costume for you which was a real bummer. All the costumes were way too big. It was crazy. This was the closest we could get and it was huge on you. But you were such a petite little thing that everything was always big on you. I finally decided to go ahead and donate your 0-3 month clothes even though you can still fit into some of them.

I love this picture of you. Even after you started smiling it took us forever to get a picture of one. In the time it took to take a picture you made this face trying to figure out what we were doing and what was that red light, etc. But I just love this one. You look so curious and teeny tiny. This was taken at GG's during Thanksgiving weekend.

Coming Home

This was taken as soon as we got home. I went straight to bed because you were fast asleep and Aunt Laurie and your Daddy I guess just stared at what a beautiful baby you were. You woke up around 11pm (we got home at 8:30pm) and nursed. It's funny even though we had things "prepared" for your arrival, I remember a sense of having no idea what to do with you. Where would you sleep? Who would watch you every second? It was so. . . huge. Overwhelming but not with a sense of helplessness. More like complete terror. It's funny to me that something so small can cause grown adults fear unlike anything most have ever felt. I was so grateful to Laurie during the first few days. I couldn't walk upright or pick things up for a few days and your Dad and Aunt Laurie helped with everything. And Aunt Laurie completely organized your room. Unfortunately I never got the whole nesting thing.Your Dad calls this picture "Puddle of Baby." You are so stinkin' cute.

Not really sure what happened here but this is seriously one of my all-time favorite pictures. It's like you lost all control of your face. You crossed your eyes a lot but I'm not sure about the rest of it. If you can make a face like that and still be adorable, you must be pretty darn cute.

You liked pacifiers for a little while but not for very long. I don't think we even have any anymore. But your swing. Oh you loved that swing. For the first several weeks of your life that swing was were you slept. All night. You liked it there and we didn't want to mess things up so we left you there. Eventually I put you in a bassinet in your room and then into your crib but that swing was a life saver (or sleep saver, I guess).

There was a lot of this. And for whatever reason your Dad loved to get pictures of you crying. His reasoning was that it wasn't historically accurate to only have pictures of you not-crying. Which ok, I guess. Plus you never knew when it was going to happen. You'd be fine, then crying, then fine, then hungry, sleepy, dirty, no clue, no clue, no clue. Sometimes I really don't know how we managed to keep you alive and thriving even.