Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5

This morning I overslept so your Daddy got up to go get you ready. Every morning you tell/ask me, "Daddy sleeping," and I say, "Yes, Daddy is sleeping." So I thought you would be excited to see that Daddy was up with you and you were until you saw me. And then you reached for me and kicked your little feet. It was pretty cute. Daddy gave us kisses and sent us on our way.

Because I was running late, I just handed you off to Nana and left (I always go inside and get you situated). I kissed you and told you I loved you but you still looked kinda shocked when I left. I know you won't remember this but I'm sorry. I was super late.

We went to the park again this afternoon. You are just so cute. You weren't scared this time. You just ran around. You went up to some kids but most were bigger than you and you couldn't really keep up. You really wanted to go see the big kids playing football but there was no way.

I think you were tired because you got pretty clingy a couple of times. You were scared of the baby swing. Well, at first, you like it but then you were scared.

We ran an errand before the park and you refused to walk. You are so used to be held all the time that any time we try to get you to walk, it's a big deal. You stomp up and down and put your hands up and your lip out. So far that's pretty successful for you.

You are spending a long time eating dinner which is fine. Your Daddy and I have a puzzle set up at the dining table so I work on the puzzle while you work on your food and we sing and make silly noises at each other. Tonight I didn't even realize it was your bed time.

We brushed your teeth. You are so good about that. We sing a song while we do (This is way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth. . .) it and you love the song. Now you are asleep. I miss you. I love you.

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