Friday, May 25, 2012

Catching Up

This is a very picture heavy post. Sorry.

These are Maggie free-painting, painting The Very Hungry Catepillar picture (made my me; can you tell?), making Grandpa's birthday present and her Mother's Day gifts.

This is Maggie wearing Sally's watch. She was amazed by it and kept checking the time.

This is the world's simplest fine motor activity. I just set out pom poms, empty play doh containers and a pair of tweezers and she picked up the pom poms with the tweezers and put them in the containers. Easy peasy. She did really well. I think next time I'll use smaller and/or heavier and/or oddly shaped items to be more of a challenge.

Here we are visiting Memaw's house. Aunt Laurie, Aunt Susie and Ella were there too. It was very fun even though Laurie and I played referee the whole time. Our girls are getting snippety with each other. 

It's hard to see but Ella is trying to climb up on the bed. She has her foot all the way up on the bed. Gumby baby, for real!

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