Thursday, May 10, 2012

Museum and Memaw

We went to the Fort Worth Science and History Museum yesterday. It was so much fun. Maggie has more fun every time she goes. I think as she gets older, she understands the various activities better. The pictures are out of order but you get the gist.

These are all from the AWESOME children's room. It's for kids under 8, I think, and it is so cool. She's playing inside and actual train car with this letter mat/puzzle.

 This is a magnet table. Here we are determining what is magnetic and what is not. She enjoyed this table.

This game is a maze and you "pull" the magnetized balls throw the maze with a magnet pen. Very cool.

Aw, the turtle. I have so far had NO success in explaining to Maggie that this dome is not a climbing apparatus. But at least the other kids haven't gotten the memo either.

This is the baby area. It has this little soft area and then spiders and snakes in cages built into the wall surrounding it. Maggie was fascinated by the tarantulas. 

This is also in the baby area. You push the buttons and it turns on a wind machine in the bottom that makes the objects in each area fly up.

This is the hospital area. It has this large ambulance with a real siren. Here is Maggie with one of the babies, waiting her turn to drive.

This thing looks kinda like a microscope but it's a camera. She was fascinated with putting things in front of the camera and watching them on the screen.

Driving the ambulance while wearing a doctor's jacket and holding a baby.

This is the dinosaur area. She loved this whole area. She's inside a dinosaur's footprint. She especially loved this. She was in and out the whole time we were in the room.

We walked into the hallway where there are lots of cool things and a worker at the museum gave us a tour of the area. It was so nice of him. Here she is putting coins into the spinny thing.

Oh my goodness, this thing was awesome. It actually created a tornado. Maggie wasn't too impressed but I was. Wow!

Here is Maggie exiting the kaleidoscope area. She wasn't tall enough to see and I didn't realize until she bailed.

This is the only "classroom" area Maggie is old enough to go in. It's a wind room. There are planes and hang glider demonstration areas and a huge wind area. This thing shoots air up and you put your creations in to see whether or not they will float to the top or over. She loved this and played and played. And actually did quite well. Although, she didn't actually make anything; she used left over creations.

Then we made the beach balls fly. So cool. They looked like they were floating in mid air because they stayed at the same height and didn't fall unless pushed. Here's Maggie, pushing.

Here's the poster of the Omni show we saw. Our membership includes a few Omni tickets and I plan on taking her to the G rated shows. It was awesome. This was the first Omni show she was actually able to stay in the theatre vs. going in the "quiet" room. It was a little scary for her in parts. The opening sequence is loud and dizzy-making so she didn't like that. The actual movie was very calm and slow. 

I've been talking to Maggie often about taking care of the Earth. I refer to it as making the Earth sick. She listens and cares about it. As she gets older, I'll talk to her more about the various things we do.

After we left the museum, we went over to Memaw's house. Maggie loves her Memaw. 

Yeah, out of order. We didn't go back to the museum. Here is the entrance to the kids' room. 

This is the grocery store area. It has little carts, food and a check out area. It's so cool and Maggie loves it.

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