Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Doctor Appointments, continued

During our pseudo-Spring Break (Kandice and Jeremiah went out of town for 2 weeks so we had a mini-vacation), I scheduled all of Maggie's doctor appointments.

We had to have all new doctors since changing Maggie's insurance.

For the first time at her regular doctor, they wanted her to get undressed and put on one of those paper gowns. I helped Maggie get undressed and started to put on the gown. Maggie said, "But Mommy, it's made of toilet paper."

She was perfectly healthy. She weighs 32.5 lbs and is 40.5", which puts her in the 15th percentile for weight and 41st for height.

She did great at the dentist. They were able to do most everything. The dental hygienist was great and talked to her before she did anything and let her touch/play with all the equipment she could.  

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