Friday, March 29, 2013


Today was a school day. We had an Easter feast. It was so yummy. After we got home, we did school work. I am so excited by how much Maggie is learning. She's got the sounding out thing pretty well down. Today she was able to sound out 6 words completely independently. Woo hoo!

 After we finished school work, we went outside again to pick and clean flowers.
Pants are for suckers!

Shoes too!

Sleeping Beauty needed a bath too.

Jake wants that cup.

Now he wants Maggie's bowl of water and flowers.

He's got the cup back.

Sleeping Beauty in her acorn hat.

A bug I found and told Maggie about. He didn't make it.

Sorry, Mr. Bug.

These are the caterpillars. I can't believe how big they've already gotten. You can actually watch them eat and chew. Crazy.


These are the Easter eggs I made. I made 3 dozen. They were popular.

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