Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Maggie woke up around 3.30 last night and just started chatting. I told her to go back to sleep but she kept waking back up. Finally she told me was starving! So I went downstairs and got her a bowl of cheese. She took one bite and started chatting again. Finally she went back to sleep.

Today, we went on a long walk. Along the way, we saw a cat that let her pet it (as long as I kept Spot far away), she found these really cool flowers (they looked like those weeds you blow the spores off of but they were purple with yellow dots at the end, like fireworks), and met some neighbors with 2 girls.

Not bad for a 30 or so minute walk. After that we went to Lauren's new house. We haven't seen them in a while and Maggie was quite happy. The whole ride over she kept telling me, I need to play now. She devoured several pieces of watermelon.

When we got back to Kandice and Jeremiah's house, her sleepiness started to set in, so I let her watch a movie on her Kindle while I cooked.

At home, we mostly lazed around and talked. She discovered one of the dust buster attachments can be used to amplify sound. So we had an entire conversation through it.

She's been doing this silly walk, where she pretends to be a diva, I guess. She puts her hips out and her hand on her hip. It's so funny.

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