Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Is lava real?

Maggie has lately been asking me if various things are real. I guess from birth pretty much everything is just presented as real and now she's getting to the point where she is starting to wonder what's real and what isn't. Lava is the only thing I can remember but it's come up a lot. 
I pulled Ruby's shirt over her head like in hockey fights. :)
I found out I have crazy high bad cholesterol. My good cholesterol and triglycerides are fantastic but still. So I had been working out and eating well but then I stopped exercising because of my still unresolved stupid diastasis recti and then I stopped making such good choices about eating. So when I got this news I resolved to do whatever exercise I can and make good food choices. So! We're going most mornings for an hour walk. It has been so great. Maggie and I talk and Ruby sits in her stroller and it's just so nice. I go back to the doctor to get my cholesterol rechecked in early July.

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