Friday, December 16, 2016

Update and Thanksgiving!

Poor Ruby got ridiculous sick. She had no symptoms except a raging fever for 7 days! It was so awful. We got completely out of whack, off schedule, etc. She was a sad little baby.

This rooster was just wandering around outside where I see my kiddo for therapy. Like a stray dog. But a rooster.
We went to Austin for Thanksgiving. 

Sweet baby!

Alan and Emily were there. Emily is growing up so fast. Somehow her legs are longer than her entire body. Strange.
Poor Jilli.
When Laurie saw this picture, she said, this picture sums up the girls' Thanksgiving: Ruby got into something (that's a trashcan she stole--it's upside down) and Jilli cried. 

Isn't this a great picture? 
They stayed in this room and played games and watched TV just about all day. Laurie and I were so busy chasing babies we were quite happy for them to be occupied with anything. :) Maggie and Ella; not Gran. 
Jeff helped with cooking but then left before lunch and drove to College Station for a football game then drove back at like 6 am and picked up breakfast for everyone. Jeez.
Isn't Laurie beautiful? 
Lunch. And look at that view.
Everything was sooooo good. I appear to be a liar cos this is lunch and there's Jeff in the background. Now that I think about it, I think he sat next to me. He just blends into the background, I guess.

Ruby stole someone's chair. The end.

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