Saturday, December 3, 2016

Week in the Life: Day something. . .

I woke up feeling like I'd been up with Ruby all night. But when I checked by FitBit dashboard, it said I slept great. But, of course, yesterday, I woke up feeling great and thought I'd slept great and it said I got about six hours and was awake for almost two hours in the middle of night. So. . .

I brought Ruby out to the living room, turned off the alarm and porch lights, let Spot out, and turned on my coffee. I changed Ruby's clothes and diaper. Then I started feeding her. I got more berries this week and mixed with yogurt and she was quite happy with that. She ate and we read and played until around 10. By that point, Maggie was still asleep and Ruby was fussing like she was tired so I put her to bed and got Maggie up. 
This is why I can't do yoga while Ruby is awake.

Once Maggie was up, I started breakfast. But before I could half way done, Ruby was awake. Stinker! So I made her some toast and eggs, which she ate. Maggie had her breakfast too and I read history and Christmas books. Maggie did her reading, practiced her monologue for comedy, practiced her karate student creed, did Bedtime Math, and did Spelling. She also worked on her solar system model we made a few days ago. I have a picture of it. It's super cute. 
After that, I sent her to take a bath. By the times she was done, it was time to try again for a nap for Ruby. When I came out, I exercised and did yoga. Then Maggie and I got ready for the Christmas festival. When Ruby got up, we all had lunch and then finished getting bundled up. 
Arlington was having a festival with games and entertainment leading up to a parade. I had checked the website and it said it would only cancel if there was ice, which there wasn't. We drove out there but nothing was there. I drove around seeing if it was somewhere besides Levitt Pavilion but no. Finally I accidentally got kicked out of the website on my phone and when I googled it, I saw another link to a news stations saying it had been cancelled. I clicked on that and it hadn't been cancelled but moved to J. Gilligan's. You know what would be good information to put on your website?!?
So we went to Gilligan's and it was pretty small. They had to reconfigure at the last minute because of the rain. We played every game, Maggie got a balloon animal and her face painted. We saw the Grinch. After all that, it was still an hour and a half until the parade. So we didn't get to see that. I didn't say anything about it and Maggie was thrilled with everything we did get to do but what a bummer. Especially because we had been planning on going to the festival in Mansfield last night and didn't go because it was raining. And not only did they not cancel it, it was still the same as every year. We definitely picked the wrong time festival to brave the weather forecast.
Oh well, the girls really did have a good time. Once we got home, we just kinda hung out. Ruby ate again (someone is feeling better) and I puttered. I cleaned and put away and picked up, etc. Ruby went to bed and Maggie started on her list again. She finished her math lesson and did her chores. But pretty much, we're just sitting around. It's been quite lovely. 

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