Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Summer Catch Up, part 1

 Well, I didn't write all summer. Oops. Let's see. . . 

This is Maggie and Razz, doing who knows??? Being silly. Those two, plus Max, spent a lot of time together this summer.

Maggie is in high school!!! 

She texted me, "Mom, I had coffee!" I told her, "no, dear you had a coffee-flavored sweet drink."
Maggie, Razz, and Max
That's Smiley. She was our foster for a while this summer. She was so sweet. They sent her to dog school and, I hope, she's been adopted.

Maggie actually liked Smiley.
Ella broke ANOTHER bone. 

Honey has finally been losing some weight. Ruby told me, "Mom, you're not going to be able to call her Fat Girl anymore. It won't make sense." I feel like it still makes sense.
She's so beautiful!!!
I had to start wearing glasses this summer. I need magnifying and blue blockers or my eyes can't focus. It's very strange to put on glasses and suddenly the words are clear. 
Maggie doing driver's ed with Smiley.

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