Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday and Friday

I am so excited about Maggie's reading. Today she was able to read an entire sentence. She sounded out each word, looked at it for a minute and then read the entire thing. Woohoo!!!

She had her tumbling class today. We met another family there. The little boy, Jackson (Maggie's name had she been a boy), was in her class. She was very social with him. After they exchanged names, they chatted in class, played after class and Maggie said goodbye to him and his sister.

We made cauliflower pizza for lunch and it was a disaster. Everything that could go wrong did. I was not very graceful about the whole thing.

Maggie made an Easter card. Instead of telling her each letter, I wrote out what I wanted her to write and had her copy it. She did even better that way.

We spent some time in the afternoon outside. Maggie tortured some bugs, but I think they all survived. Progress, not perfection.

Thursday night Maggie fell asleep in the insanely (over an hour) long car ride home. When we got home I carried her in but she fell right back to sleep. When she finally woke up, she was wide awake and was still awake when I went to bed at 10.30 PM!!!

Needless to say, she was quite tired and cranky today. But not til this afternoon. This morning we did all of her school work. I know I keep saying this but I am shocked. It's like we were in the same place forever and all of a sudden, bam!, she leaps forward in skill. It is so exciting and I think it's really boosted her confidence.

She had cooking class today as well. Today she made egg salad and chocolate nests. Very cute.

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