Saturday, April 20, 2013

This Week

We're still reading Charlotte's Web and Maggie still seems to like it. I'm getting a little nervous about the end. She has been very interested in death lately. For about the last year she's asked about my death mostly. Which is awful. She asked me once, "Who would take care of me if you got dead?" :(  Also, her Nana's kitty just died. I just hope it's not devastating or really, even upsetting.

Our project work is still very cool. I got her some digging tools and I'm very excited to start exploring. Plus we need to go to the library and get lots of books.

Her reading is so awesome. She reads little stories now. She still sounds out most words but not all. It's very cool.

Monday we went to the park and met up with Lynette and her son, Eric. After an hour or so, we actually had to leave because it was too hot. So we went to a Chick-fil-a with an indoor playground. Much better.

On Wednesday we went and got Maggie new glasses. Very exciting. She wanted red glasses (big shock!) but of course, the only red glasses were too big for her tiny face. So she finally picked another pair. They are purple and wire and rectangular. I'm excited for her to get them.

We released our butterflies on Monday. They were so much fun and so interesting to watch. It really was very cool. I googled some other insects we could make habitats for and observe and release. I'm surprised how much I'M enjoying learning about bugs. And I hate bugs. I do think we need to make the habitats where Maggie can't open them or make a rule about that because her bug friends rarely make it.

Also we made cookies and a card for fire fighters and police officers. She chose to write Thank you for your service and draw a picture and write her name. So sweet. Unfortunately no one was really available to take it. We gave it to a secretary and she took it to the back. It was kind of a let down. We'll try again.

Today (Saturday) we went to a birthday party for Lily. She was turning 4. I let Maggie decide what gift to get her and she wanted to buy flowers. So we went to the Farmer's Market and she picked out a pot of flowers. Interesting.

They jumped on trampolines, ran around and ate. She also got to hit her first pinata. In her words, "We had to kill the butterfly to get all the candy."

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