Wednesday, April 6, 2016

March 2011

I found this in my drafts folder. So sweet. :)
  • This is something old. When we first started teaching Maggie her colors she would answer that everything was red. After awhile of hearing no, that's not red, when asked what color is that, she would answer not red.

  • After taking a bath, Daddy took Maggie in her room to put lotion on her. When they walked in she said, "Oh it's dark, Daddy." Daddy said, "You know what happens when it gets dark outside (bedtime)." She quickly said, "It's not that dark outside."

  • On the way to work I stopped and picked up some coffee. She asked if she could have some. I said no it was too hot. She said oh we have to put some ice in it. I said but I don't have any ice. She said oh well we have to put some cold stuff in there.

  • Maggie wasn't going to sleep so Richard and I went in to put her back to bed. Daddy picked her up and she said, "Mommy, hold me." I reached my hands out for her and she said, "Daddy, walk to Mommy." So, jokingly, Richard took two steps backwards and said,"Like this?" Maggie said yeah. Then I took her. I held her hand and rubbed Daddy's face and said feel Daddy's whiskers, his face is scratchy. Then I put her hand on my face and said feel Mommy's face, my face is smooth. Then I put her hand on Daddy's face again and did the same thing and then put her hand on her face. Then Maggie said but Mama does have whiskers. Richard and I cracked up laughing and asked where Mama's whiskers were. Maggie pointed at my upper cheeks, right below my eyes. Then a few minutes later when Daddy was handing Maggie back to me she hit me with her chin right in that spot. Maggie said Mommy are you alright? Richard said, "She hit you right in your whiskers."

  • Grandpa asked Maggie if she wanted to take a bath. She said yes. He said ok I'll go get the bath ready and left the room. Maggie looked around and said, "I think Grandpa forgot Maggie."

  • Maggie was in the car with Grandmo and asked if she could drive to Miss Lauren's house. Miss Lauren is Kyrie's (Maggie's best friend) mother.

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